S i t e m a p D E S A R R O L L O S - E L E C T R O N I C O S . C O M


h o m e  

Our work 


I d e a s  

Electronic in Sports

Electronic for games, promotions and stands   

Electronic in Advertising   

Electronic games for TV 

Industry Electronic




P r o d u c t s  

Timing marathon display

Polo timekeeper

 Equestrian timing system 

 Soccer scoreboard 5

Traffic lights to LEDs for KART

Countdown timer. Led electronic counter

Greenpeace displays

Enduro Scoreboards

Time Measurement system for drag racing

Drag racing start tree
infrared sensor (photocells)
Bulbs display
Timer display
Digital chronometer multifunction
Drag racing tree control
Drag racing electronic finish control

  Time Measurement system for rally
Rally system description

Rally start tree

photocells (infrared sensor)
Print out timer
rally equipment suitcase

Drag racing system software  

  Digital displays / Leds sign

machine automation


..[ All rights reserved - Desarrollos electronicos ]